On a Keyring

On a Keyring

Do you know that the answer can come on the end of a keyring? I’ll come to that later!

For now, let me ask a question: Are you interruptible? Are you really?

My role model, Jesus, always seemed to be busy, yet never seemed to be in a hurry. He was always available and interruptible. It seems that a lot of His ministry and many of His miracles were not planned but He humbly and lovingly answered the heart call of individuals just like me, and just like you, whilst He was out and about. 

To the woman with a twelve-year haemorrhage problem, Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me. ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.’ (Luke 8:43)

Blind Bartimaeus called to Jesus, who stopped and said, ‘Your faith has healed you.’ Immediately, he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. (Mark 10:46) 

There was a man with leprosy who, when he saw Jesus, fell with his face to the ground and begged Him, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’ Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean! And immediately the leprosy left him.’ (Luke 5:12)

I was sat in my office one day recently and I was interrupted by a phone call.

‘Hi Cookie’, the lady said, ‘Is there any chance you could come and pray for my Bill?’

I have known Bill for decades. He suffers from diabetes and over a period of time has had both legs amputated. She tells me he is in agony, suffering with sepsis. I drop everything and I’m off – fast slippers to his home … well I drove, actually!

I find Bill in his wheelchair as I enter. Now Bill is a relatively new Christian and after we shared some pleasantries, I said, ‘Bill, can I pray for you and anoint you with oil?’

‘If you want’, he replied, looking at me quizzically. 

I’m thinking it’s likely that no-one has ever suggested such a thing to him in his lifetime.

I get out my keyring where I keep a small vial of oil, unscrew the top and dab a small dot of oil on Bill’s forehead. As I anoint him, I pray over him. I leave shortly afterwards to go back to work and crack on with my day.

Now here’s the rub… a week later I get a call from his wife:

‘Cookie, something amazing happened when you left. Bill was confused and asked me a question: ‘You know when Cookie prayed for me? Why did he pour out a full bucket load of oil over my head?’

‘He didn’t Bill! Why do you say that?’

‘Well, when he started to pray, I felt it flow over my whole head and flow down over my shoulders! I was totally drenched!’

‘Bill, he only put a small drop on your forehead. Jesus has anointed you with his love and compassion.’ (If I could show you my smile in that moment on here I would!)

I would like to thank you for this moment of your time, for allowing yourself to be interrupted. Always remember God’s amazing love is close at hand, perhaps just a keyring away!

Jesus is available, He loves to be interrupted, so you are never an inconvenience or irritation. Come to God as an eager child of His!

Be blessed!


Richard Cooke (Cookie) is the senior leader of Barry and Tina’s home church, the Bridge Church, Bolton, Greater Manchester. Cookie is a great friend of Barry’s and is a massive support to him and the team.
