Get Up and Turn Up

Some days, getting up can be hard, and turning up can be even harder.

So, why bother? I mean, God loves us no matter what, right?

Who are we getting up and turning up for? God, ourselves, or other people? I think the truth lies somewhere in a combination of the three.

I have the privilege of leading Walk Ministries with my husband and an amazing team of staff. We journey with and support men who have been in prison, addiction, chaos, and homelessness. Walk provides holistic support that encompasses housing, training, detox, rehab, gym, drug testing, work placement, Bible study, discipleship, and worship.

We journey with men whom the world would throw away, who know only the revolving door of prison and addiction, men in whom the light of hope is often extinguished.

I get up and turn up because, through Jesus, I see only HOPE.

“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him” (Lam. 3:25).

We carry hope for those who have lost it after the world’s chaos has spun them around so many times that hope seems impossible; we stand in the gap until they are strong enough to hope again.

I don’t see drug addicts, alcoholics, or ex-offenders.

I see fathers, sons, husbands, leaders, teachers, business owners, politicians, pastors, support workers, builders, plumbers, evangelists, and accountants; I see game changers who will go out and change the world.

But, most of all, I see the future carriers of HOPE.

HOPE is the confident expectation of what God has promised, and its strength is in His faithfulness.

Get up and turn up! Whether for God, yourself, or others, the reasons are not important if YOU cultivate the expectation of God’s promises each and every day.


Karen Edwards leads the Walk Ministries with her husband, Simon. Her key role is the Chief Operations Manager. 
